How to Make a Spring Wreath for Under $10

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Spring is in the air! Colorful flowers blooming, birds happily chirping, bright green grass growing and kids playing outside 🙂 The sights and sounds of springtime make me happy and I enjoy capturing the season’s bright, colorful nature through the decorations in my home. Our black front door is brought alive with the pops of color from a spring wreath, but I don’t want to spend a fortune on one. So, I make my own!

A spring wreath is easy and inexpensive to make. Plus, it is FUN! The two wreaths I am going to talk about in this post cost me less than $10 a piece to make. Most of the items I used came from the dollar store.

I love visiting the dollar store and finding materials I need to make a decoration for my home. You can check out my dollar store St. Patrick’s Day wreath by clicking here.

Materials Needed to Make A Spring Wreath

The materials you need to make a spring wreath include flower seed packets, burlap ribbon, a butterfly decoration, a pair of gardening gloves and a wire wreath frame.

  • Wire Wreath Frame
  • 1 Roll (9 feet) of Burlap Ribbon
  • 2 Twist Ties (for bow)
  • Packets of Flower Seeds – The amount depends on how full you want your wreath. I chose to overlap and create a fuller wreath so that used 20 packets ($0.25 per packet at Dollar Tree).
  • Butterfly Decoration (or any spring embellishment of your choice)
  • 1 Pair of Gardening Gloves
  • Floral Garland (6 feet)
  • Green Paddle Wire
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Scissors

How-To Make A Spring Wreath with A Gardening Theme

Spring is the season of gardening. Why not capture this activity with a gardening themed wreath? Gardening Gloves aren’t just for planting flowers anymore 🙂

Use flower seed packets and gardening gloves to create a spring wreath for your front door.

  1. The first thing I did to make this spring wreath was create a bow out of the burlap ribbon. There are a ton of videos on YouTube for making bows. Click here for the video that I followed for creating a bow out of the burlap ribbon.
  2. Now you are ready to start assembling your spring wreath! Take the Wire Wreath Frame and lay the rounded side down. The rounded side will be the back of your wreath. Lay out the flower seed packets all around the wire frame. Be sure to cover the wire frame. Play around with the layout until you are happy with how it looks. This part took me the longest because I played around with the location of the different flowers I picked out. I wanted to spread out the colors and similar flowers so they weren’t right next to each other. Once you are happy with the layout of the flower seed packets, use your hot glue gun to start gluing the packets to the wire frame. I put a small dot of glue on the outer and inner rings of the wire frame.
  3. Take the Gardening Gloves and lay them on the top of your spring wreath. Use your hot glue gun to attach the tops of the gloves onto the wreath. Spread out the fingers of the gloves slightly, keeping them in place with a dot of hot glue.
  4. Glue the burlap ribbon bow you created in step #1 on top of the Gardening Gloves. You could also put the bow above the gloves, if you prefer. I chose to keep the tails of the ribbon in place by gluing them to the seed packets.
  5. Add your butterfly decoration. The butterflies have clips on the back so I just clipped them to the seed packets in a location I liked.
  6. Your spring wreath is all finished and ready to hang on your front door 🙂

How to Make A Spring Wreath with Floral Garland

Use floral garland and a wire wreath frame for create a colorful spring wreath for your front door.

This spring wreath was one of the first wreaths I made and it was SO EASY! All you need is a piece of Floral Garland that you like, a Wire Wreath Frame and Green Paddle Wire. Take the piece of Floral Garland and lay it across the Wire Wreath Frame. I used pieces of the Green Paddle Wire to secure it in place. You can also use a Hot Glue Gun to secure the Floral Garland to the Wire Wreath Frame. Be sure to cover the Wire Wreath Frame with the Floral Garland. That is it 🙂 It doesn’t get easier than that to bring the bright floral colors of spring to your front door.

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6 thoughts on “How to Make a Spring Wreath for Under $10”

  1. I love using the seed packets! That’s so clever. I have a branch wreath that I decorate every so often with a seasonal ribbon and some other seasonal decor, but honestly yours looks much better than mine ever do!


      What a great idea Maggie!! I’m all about keeping it simple so changing the seasonal decor on a single wreath is a great idea. Plus, it takes up less storage space than having an individual wreath for each season!


      Thanks Tara! I saw a picture recently that inspired me to try it out. I had fun putting it together and it didn’t take much time at all 🙂

  2. These are such fantastic ideas! We haven’t had the best weather here in New England so a bright + sunny spring wreath will make it feel more like the actual season it is! I LOVE how I can make these on a budget too. Thank you so much for sharing!


      Thank you for the comment! It took awhile for the bright and sunny weather to appear here in PA, but decorating my home for spring somehow made the cold and snow in April (?!?!) more tolerable! Wreaths are so easy to make on a budget. I don’t want to spend a lot of money on my home decorating so I try to be as creative as I can with what I have. I hope you are getting settled in your new house!

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